Here you will find technical information about the Moto Guzzi 850 Le Mans and related bikes.
Interesting information can be submitted via the contact page.
Some files take a little longer to open. Be patient and hopefully you'll find what you're looking for.
- Part numbers
- Conversion part numbers
- Head - cylinders
- Fuel system - exhaust
- Crankcase - covers
- Connecting and timing system
- Lubrication
- Clutch
- Gearbox and covers
- Gears - shafts - controls
- Rear fork and transmission
- Frame
- Tank cover - saddle - front fender
- Suspensions and controls
- Handle bar controls - instrument panel
- Front wheel
- Right hand front brake control
- Rear wheel
- Rear front left hand brake control
- Ignition - kits
- Lighting - horn
- Dowling and indicators
- Modifications (USA)
- Modifications (Germany)